zur Startseite IAP Kühlungsborn
zur Startseite der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Jürgen Matzka (Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum) Ground-based geomagnetic observations and indices

Jürgen Matzka (Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum) wird auf unserem IAP-Kolloquium einen Vortrag zum Thema "Ground-based geomagnetic observations and indices" halten.


The talk will give an overview of the geomagnetic observatories at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and will emphasize activities that are related to the operation of scientific stations in remote areas as well as to research in atmospheric physics and space physics. We will report on the planned installation in Antarctica of an aurora and airglow all-sky camera that was tested at IAP. Another point of interest is geomagnetic data from equatorial locations that can be used to investigate the equatorial electrojet (EEJ), which is particularly sensitive to thermospheric winds in the E-region. Finally, we report on geomagnetic indices that are a widely used input to whole atmosphere models and geospace models. GFZ is producing the Kp index, one of the most important indices for this application, as well as the newer versions, the Hpo indices.