zur Startseite IAP Kühlungsborn
zur Startseite der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Larisa Goncharenko successfully defends her doctoral thesis!

Congratulations to our doctoral candidate Larisa Goncharenko on successfully defending her PhD thesis!

Her dissertation explores the topic of how the ionosphere/thermosphere system is influenced by internal waves originating from the lower atmosphere. Her research focuses on sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events, which alter the state of the middle atmosphere and affect the propagation of atmospheric waves. She investigates the long-distance influence of these events from the polar stratosphere to the low-latitude ionosphere, as well as interhemispheric influences. Through case studies of strong Antarctic and Arctic SSWs, she demonstrates significant and persistent ionospheric anomalies and discusses the underlying physical mechanisms.

The Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics is one of the German main centers for Middle Atmosphere research and maintains active cooperations with several international research organizations. The institute is located near the Baltic Sea resort Kühlungsborn, owns a separate site on the island Rügen, and is a major partner of the ALOMAR observatory in northern Norway. As associated institute of the Rostock University it is part of the teaching programme in physics. A total of about 90 persons is employed at IAP. The institute realizes an equal-opportunity and family-friendly human resource policy and is certified with the audit "berufundfamilie"  ('career and family').

Contact: Director Prof. Claudia Stolle cstolle@_we_dont_like_spam_iap-kborn.de