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Juliana Jaen (IAP) Long-term studies of MLT summer winds over Europe

Juliana Jaen (IAP) wird auf unserem IAP-Kolloquium einen Vortrag zum Thema "Long-term studies of MLT summer winds over Europe" halten.


The mesosphere and lower thermosphere constitute a dynamic and complex system characterized by strong winds and varying temperatures due to a combination of solar radiation, Earth's geodesic shape, composition, and rotation. The middle and lower part of the atmosphere serves as the source, medium for propagation, and sink for multiple waves. Throughout the year, the winds undergo drastic changes from winter to summer, resulting in different filtering of wave propagation.
In the upcoming talk, Ph.D. candidate Juliana Jaen will tell us about the work that concluded in her dissertation. The focus of the investigation was on summer winds. Wind measurements spanning 17-33 years at middle and high latitudes were obtained by combining specular meteor radars and partial reflection radars. These time series were used to investigate the long-term variations and oscillations of the summer length and wind maxima. The results show significant trends with earlier onset of the mesospheric summer length of about half a day per year at both latitudes, increasing summer mesospheric winds maxima, and a weakening of the mesopause winds at middle latitudes.