Planetary waves and tides in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MST16-2)
Conveners: Wayne Hocking (MSO), Kishore Kumar, Kaoru Sato
Tides and Planetary waves play a pivotal role in vertical coupling of the lower, middle and upper atmosphere. The majority of the planetary waves and tides (both migrating and non-migrating) dissipate/break in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT) thus governing the regional dynamics at these altitudes together with gravity waves. Being sandwiched between the neutral and ionised atmosphere, the wave dissipation in the MLT region modulates the electrodynamics of the Ionosphere. MF, meteor and MST radars as well as lidars provide vital information in quantifying these atmospheric waves in terms of their amplitude, phase and momentum fluxes. Recognizing the key role played by these waves in governing the MLT dynamics, a session is proposed to discuss and update the present understanding of these waves witha focus on radar and lidar measurements and their combination with numerical models. Abstracts are invited from the following sub-topics of
- Global-scale waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Long-term climatology and interannual variability in winds and temperature
- Migrating and non-migrating tides including their source appropriation
- Wave-mean flow and wave-wave interactions
- MLT observations using networks of radar/lidar observations
- Simultaneous measurements of tides and planetary waves using ground and space based observations
- Applications of multi-static meteor radar observations to monitor MLT winds at regional scales
- Validation of global model simulations of mean winds, tides and planetary waves using radar and lidar measurements
- Recent developments in radar and lidar techniques