zur Startseite IAP Kühlungsborn
zur Startseite der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Job Vacancies


  • Currently no announcement

Department Optical Soundings and Sounding Rockets

  • Postdoc (f/m/d), full-time, fixed-term, LidarCUBE project (more information)
  • PhD student (f/m/d), fixed-term, LidarCUBE project (more information)
  • PhD student (f/m/d), fixed-term, Rocket-borne density and turbulence measurements in the upper atmosphere, project DEFINE (more information)

Department Radar Soundings

  • Currently no announcement

Department Modelling of Atmospheric Processes

  • PhD student (f/m/d), fixed-term, Spectral energy budget of the atmosphere (mehr Informationen)
  • PhD student (f/m/d), fixed-term, A ML-based parameterization of ion drag and Joule heating for the ICON model (mehr Informationen)
  • Postdoc (f/m/d), full-time, fixed-term, Numerical modelling from ground to thermosphere (mehr Informationen)

The IAP searches permanently Ph.D. students, master and bachelor students as well as student assistants. Interested persons are encouraged to contact the departments Optical soundings and sounding rockets, Radar soundings or Modelling of Atmospheric Processes, respectively.

The IAP offers ...

The IAP offers an attractive working place near the Baltic Sea, with modern equipment, engagement in international research, participation in the professional pension system (VBL), and working conditions according to the tariff agreement on public services (TV-L). The IAP supports an equal-opportunity and family-friendly human resource policy and is certified with the audit "berufundfamilie" ('career and family'). It aims to increase the number of female employees and encourages them to apply. The IAP also supports the employment of persons with disabilities.