Equal opportunities, career and family
An equal opportunity and family-friendly personnel policy and its continuous improvement is a fundamental part of the philosophy at the IAP.
We provide flexible work time and telecommuting. Open and honest communication together with a reliable information culture creates a confidential atmosphere.
With a steady work family balance for all employees we seek to hold good scientists for a long-term stay and promote their expertise.
Family-friendly for us means not only supporting parents but also helping employees who need to care for their dependants or whose life partners work at distant places.
The IAP was certified on 15th December 2015 for the audit "berufundfamilie" ('career and family'), a certificat that is recommended by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. The certificate was confirmed by re-auditing on 15th March 2024.
Rosemarie von Rein (Equal opportunities)
- Tel. +49 (0) 38293 68 420
- Fax +49 (0) 38293 68 50
- vonrein@iap-kborn.de
Corinna Schütt (assistant Equal opportunities)
- Tel.: +49 (0) 38293 68 306
- Fax: +49 (0) 38293 68 50
- schuett@iap-kborn.de