zur Startseite IAP Kühlungsborn
zur Startseite der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Theses Topics

Students are welcome at IAP. Topics for bachlor or master theses can be found in the following list. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact the persons mentioned below each project.

  1. Model of plasma irregularities in the upper atmosphere: At the nightside low-latitude ionosphere plasma irregularities develop. These irregularities may be largely harmful to continuous operation of trans-ionospheric radio communication, like GPS, Galileo among others. Using more than a decades of satellite data of electron density from missions operated for example by ESA, a statistical model will be developed that describes the occurrence probability of these irregularities. This model shall be tested and evaluated against an existing model on plasma irregularities based on observations of the geomagnetic field (https://doi.org/10.1029/2023SW003809). The prediction of irregularities made by the models shall be validated against the occurrence of GPS disturbances. (C. Stolle, SAT)

  2. Describe ionospheric currents from satellite magnetometer data: Geomagnetic field observations from Low-Earth-Orbit satellite data contain information from different geomagnetic sources including from ionospheric currents. Knowledge of ionospheric currents is essential to understand upper atmosphere electrodynamics. This work will apply an algorithm which will extract the magnetic signatures due to ionospheric currents. The ionospheric currents are compared against other satellite data, such as electron density and electric field to derive conclusions on atmosphere-space coupling processes. (C. Stolle, SAT)

  3. Upper atmosphere observations from very-low-earth-orbit satellite: Currently, concepts for Very-Low-Earth-Orbit (VLEO) satellite missions that reach altitudes below 300 km are developed by different groups within the international community. To achieve a successful scientific specification, a synthetic data base shall be built and analysed for different orbit scenarios. Existing atmosphere model data and simulated orbit scenarios are available to “collect” the synthetic data along the satellite trajectory. This work will support  future VLEO mission specifications. The preferred programming language is Python. (C. Stolle, SAT)

  4. Climate change impact on vertical wave coupling: Atmospheric tides are global-scale waves that propagate from the lower to the upper atmosphere. Tidal waves are known to be an important driver of space weather changes. This project examines the impact of climate change on tidal waves. The response of tidal waves to increasing levels of CO2 is examined using the whole atmosphere model UA-ICON. (Dr. Yosuke Yamazaki, Modelling)

  5. Benchmarking of Background Determination Approaches: To determine gravity waves, background fields need to be removed from measurements. Ideally, this is done using horizontally and/or vertically averaged fields, but at least horizontal fields are not available for point measurements (e.g. by lidars). For this reason, 24-hour time series of point measurements in summer and winter for Kühlungsborn or Alomar are first artificially generated from wind/temperature fields of the global models KMCM or ICON. These will then be used to test various approaches for determining background fields that can be used for lidar measurements. (Dr. Urs Schaefer Rolffs, Modelling, und Dr. Irina Strelnikova, Optics)

  6. Statistical properties of sudden stratospheric warmings: This large-scale circulation anomaly has its strongest expression in the middle atmosphere, but also leaves its imprints in the layers below and above. Statistical properties of sudden stratospheric warmings are determined from reanalysis data – a valuable information source for local observations. Does it make a difference whether a sudden warming is centered over Siberia or Canada? – this is what we want to find out. (Dr. Christoph Zülicke, Modelling)

  7. Forecasting turbulence in the mesosphere: Thunderstorms, hurricanes and strong frontal systems are efficient sources of upward propagating gravity waves. Due to decreasing atmospheric pressure, these waves break eventually, creating turbulence and secondary waves. The aim of this project is to connect tropospheric weather systems with wave breaking and turbulence in the mesosphere and to test if this information can be used for an empirical prediction of turbulence, which is a hazard for space oparations. The analysis will use observations as well as output from numerical models. (Prof. Dr. Claudia Stephan, Modelling)

  8. Does resolving weather improve climate simulations?: This project examines the first multi-decadal, global, high-resolution ICON simulation spanning ground to thermosphere. The simulation is 30 years long and the 6-hourly output allows the examination of atmospheric variability from time scales of weather (hours) to climate (decades). Due to the fine horizontal resolution, the model can explicitly resolve a wide variety of weather phenomena. The question is how and why this improves the representation of climate variability. (Prof. Dr. Claudia Stephan, Modelling)

  9. Dependence of mid-latitude noctilucent clouds (NLC) on ambient winds: NLC are thin ice clouds in the mesopause region. Especially mid-latitude data can help understanding their role in a changing climate. This study aims on quantifying the occurrence of NLC above Kühlungsborn in relation to the wind in the mesopause region. (Dr. M. Gerding, Optics)

  10. Testing of a low-cost laser based cloud detector: Availability of human operators often limits operating times of middle-atmosphere lidars. Cloud detectors can help by automatically triggering the startup process. In this study, a low-cost, laser-based solution is tested for cloud detection capability and compared with other optical methods. (Dr. M. Gerding, Optics)

If you are interested in these theses or in student research projects or internships, you can also contact the heads of the departments directly: