zur Startseite IAP Kühlungsborn
zur Startseite der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Final status seminar concludes ROMIC project

The final ROMIC (Role Of the MIddle atmosphere in Climate) status seminar was held in Kühlungsborn last week. For one last time, researchers of the project gathered at the IAP to discuss the results. The project that produced numerous collaborative efforts and scientific findings in its ten-year runtime thus came to a worthy conclusion.

ROMIC was a large-scale national research project led by the IAP under supervision of Prof. Lübken. It was funded by the BMBF within the research framework program “Research for Sustainable Development” (FONA). In terms of content, the scientists dealt with the importance of the middle atmosphere for the climate and the interactions of this region with the troposphere. Central questions included, for example, the influence of the variability of the sun as well as the human influence on the middle atmosphere and the climate.

The Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics is one of the German main centers for Middle Atmosphere research and maintains active cooperations with several international research organizations. The institute is located near the Baltic Sea resort Kühlungsborn, owns a separate site on the island Rügen, and is a major partner of the ALOMAR observatory in northern Norway. As associated institute of the Rostock University it is part of the teaching programme in physics. A total of about 90 persons is employed at IAP. The institute realizes an equal-opportunity and family-friendly human resource policy and is certified with the audit "berufundfamilie"  ('career and family').

Contact: Director Prof. Claudia Stolle cstolle@_we_dont_like_spam_iap-kborn.de