Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth System
SCOSTEP, the Scientific Commitee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, has initiated the international program CAWSES (Climate and Weather of the Sun-Earth-System). Within CAWSES e.g. the solar influence of the Earth's climate, the atmospheric coupling processes and the space weather shall be examined. Germany provides a special contribution within a priority program of the German Research Foundation DFG. Additionally the IAP contributes especially to theme 3, Atmospheric Coupling Processes (Chair: Prof. Dr. F.-J. Lübken).
Citation from the CAWSES-Flyer:
CAWSES: SCOSTEP's program for 2004-2008
During 2004-2008, CAWSES, SCOSTEP's new international scientific program, will link the world's scientists in a cooperative effort to study the entire interactive Sun-Earth system. SCOSTEP recognizes the very impressive past, present, and planned space missions; ground-based observations; and theory, modeling, and data analysis efforts aimed at understanding aspects of the Sun-Earth system. Its new program, CAWSES, seeks to mobilize the international solar-terrestrial science community to fully utilize past, present, and future data; to produce improvements in space weather forecasting, design of space- and Earth-based technological systems, and understanding the role of solar-terrestrial influences on Global Change. The CAWSES Science Steering Group (SSG) has organized around four themes: Solar Influence on Climate Space Weather: Science and Applications Atmospheric Coupling Processes Space Climatology.