Research Interests
In general my research interest is founded by dynamical meteorology and climate dynamics. My main research is concentrated towards the understanding of dynamics and transport in the troposphere and stratosphere. For that the exchange between spheres and coupling of atmospheric layers plays a dominant role.
The investigation of dynamical processes and those of transport through the development of mathematical-physical theories and models is important in understanding the distribution of minor constituents, such as ozone, but gives the possibility for assessing the impact of natural and human activities on the atmospheric environment.
My research activities involve a combination of statistical analyses of observational data, numerical models and theoretical studies. The used data based on meteorological analyses and measurements of minor constituents. The numerical models range from idealized barotropic models to experiments with general circulation models .
My main interest is oriented towards the investigation of longitude dependent ozone variability caused by dynamics from the decade-scale (ozone trend) to the synoptic-scale (ozone mini-holes) variability. This research includes diagnostics of observational data, transport model calculations and involves examination of filament-structure generated by breaking Rossby waves as well as their modeling. (SORACAL and VARNAER Projects)
An area of special interest is the nonlinear dynamics of Rossby waves; in particular, the forcing and propagation of inertia-gravity waves, placed downstream and often northeastward from the wave induced jet, is laying in the focus. That's why we have also established multiple field campaigns called LEWIZ.
Furthermore, I am interested in the long-term variability of the mesosphere derived from the indirect phase height measurements.
A course will be given at Rostock University in physics, which also partly conveyed my research experience.
Privatdozent Dr. habil. Dieter H.W. Peters
+49 (0) 38293 68 380